When someone steps in into the demanding waters of artistic researching, and at the same time wishes to give his contribution in innovation in certain area that is consequently transferred into artists obsession, the heaviness of his task is more than evident.
To move in the area of nonfigurative art where the center is put on pure expression of shapes, lines or colors, with no associations on material world, the intensive research of creative possibilities can take the artist into the sphere of vagueness and indefinable. Or the author’s impression can be taken as arbitrarily chosen act of aesthetic doctrine manifested as insuperable artist praxis.
Tanja Dursun, academic painter, has chosen the painting with the abundance in it, with deposited tradition and its plenitude, kinetic quality, energy and dominance so that she could take the realistic template into the act of fission and set the drawing to the border of realistic and abstract. Series of drawings appeared as the product of Tanja’s research and her own understanding of art and energy potentials of drawing itself. They gave us visible appearance of primary qualities collected into reduced notes that artist left on the paper.